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8 years later
I'm more lost now that I was when I first posted here 8 years ago.   I still need a degree to make myself more employable, and have no idea where to start.  I just paid off a large financial debt, but don't have a  lot of money, and expect to get laid off in about 9 months.  I also need a focus.  The last few years of my career have been doing "support" of legacy systems that nobody knows or cares about anymore, and I don't know as much as I'd like to about modern things.  I guess I will focus on web-development stuff since there appears to be a lot of freelance work, and most IT jobs seem to now expect you to know fundamental web technologies (HTML/JS/CSS).   I would like to both be able to work on my own side-projects, and be able to get a job.  Most of my 30+ year career, I've been shut-out of many jobs because they require a degree.  

Friends have suggested ("at your age") that I focus on HTML/CSS/JS/PHP/Laravel/WP until I am competent, and then I would have enough skills to survive either self-employed or employed.  I have always been interested in Cybersecurity and AI (going wayback), but think I missed the boat on those. I would need a lot of networking experience to do Cybersecurity, and a lot of math experience to do AI.

I had a bad experience at a "pay 6 months in advance" school, so I think I would want to do something in smaller steps. Maybe take some courses at StraighterLine or Sophia (just saw that one).  Maybe if I can get all the boring and math classes out of the way, I could go to Charter Oaks and get a Cybersecurity degree (if it is still offered) fairly cheap.

I find myself googling "most affordable regionally accredited online college Straighterline partner". I guess I want to get a degree in something that I can use to make products(s) to sell, and get a job with someone else. The end goal is to sell something myself (SaaS or mobile app), rather than be employed (as a freelancer or FT employee).  Time is running out. I know people that got cancer and died, who were 10 years younger than me.
Here is the new Wiki page link:

Welcome back. The good news is there are more options for alternative credits than ever before - and more options for Technology related degrees than ever through this method.

What college credits do you already have (your TESU evaluation listing credits from 2011 post isn't loading in a legible font size)? Knowing what credits you already have we can give you the best and most relevant advice.
Amberton - MSHRB

Don't feel unmotivated and dont care about your age, you can have personal growth at any age.

Try to generate the habit of completing at least one course per month, anyone.

If you chose COSC Cybersecurity degree they ask for 11 CSS courses that you can't transfer from, SL, Saylor or Sophia; i dont know if you can transfer these courses from TEEX or another online resource, but if not, and you need to pay COSC tution, you will pay about 13.000 usd to meet this request.

If you want any degree, BALS at COSC or Excelsior is the fastest one, if you want something more meaninful and with more "job impact" BSBA is a good choise.

IT related degress takes so long and are very frustrating because of the time every course takes, the difficulty and the fact of re-take exams due to dont reach minimum grade, etc. If you want to work on software industry as free lancer, i think autodidact way is better (to learn by yourself with internet resourses), specially for mobile apps; universities courses have a big gap in this issue, what industry request now is more advanced that what universities teach.

With this last advice I don't want to say don't look for your degree, but that you maybe must consider BALS or BSBA...

If you actually dont know what degree you want to do, don't keep thinking about this, start with the general education courses (those that are the same for all degrees) while you keep thinking about this...
(09-01-2019, 03:41 PM)allvia Wrote: Here is the new Wiki page link:

Welcome back. The good news is there are more options for alternative credits than ever before - and more options for Technology related degrees than ever through this method.

What college credits do you already have (your TESU evaluation listing credits from 2011 post isn't loading in a legible font size)? Knowing what credits you already have we can give you the best and most relevant advice.

Here is my CoC evaluation from 2015. I was trying to identify which StraighterLine classes could be used for a missing CoC class.   I would not mind a Cybersecurity degree, though it is odd that CoC offers it, and does not offer much other IT degrees.

I applied at CoC, and this is what they sent back, but I never joined, as I was still paying off some things.  I could re-apply, and try to get the classes at cheaper places.

"." = need this
"x" = have this
"@" = possible StraighterLine substitue

Degree Information: (Catalog Year 1516)
Major 1: Cyber Security

=== Cornerstone Seminar(NOT MET)===

[.] Cornerstone Seminar:
[.] __IDS101 Cornerstone Seminar

=== Overall Upper Lev Credit (NOT MET)===

[.] Overall Upper Lev Credit
[.] __UPP999 Upper Level Requirements

GENED Bachelors Req (NOT MET)
GENED Bachelors Req:  15.90 Hours Earned

[.] Oral Communication (3 credits required)

[.] Written Communication (6 credits required)
[X] __English Composition 1
[X] ____ENG 151 Composition 1 (ENG101)
[.] __English Composition 2
[@] ____???
    SL: English Composition II - ENG 102

[.] Ethical Decision-Making (3 credits required)

[.] Global Understanding (3 credits required)

[X] Literature & Fine Arts (3 credits required)
[X] __FMP 201 Film: The Creative Process 1 (FAR110)

[X] Mathematics (3 credits required)
[X] __MAT 151 College Algebra (MAT103)

[.] Natural Science
[@] __Natural Science with Lab:
________Natural Science course with Laboratory Required Additional Science Course
________SL: Biology w/Lab
[@] __Additional Natural Science course (with or without Lab)
______SL: Anatomy & Physiology I - BIO 213

[.] Non US History/Culture (3 credits required)

[X] Social/Behavioral Science (3 credits required)
[X] __PSY 251 Intro to Psychology (PSY101)

[X] US History/Government (3 credits required)
[X] __HST 110 U.S. since 1865 (HIS102)

Cybersecurity Major (NOT MET)) 45.00 Hours Needed
Cybersecurity Major:            0.00 Hours Earned

[.] Major Upper Level Req
[.] __UPP015 UD Credit Min for Major

[.] Intro to Computer Science (3 required credits)
[.] __ITE102 Intro to Computer Science

[.] Network & Data Comm (3 required credits)
[.] __ITE220 Networking & Data Comm

[.] Systems Security (3 required credits)
[.] __ITE145 Fund. of Inform. Sys Secr

[.] Legal Issue Info Security (3 required credits)
[.] __CSS146 Legal Issues Info Secur

[.] Security Policies/Implem (3 required credits)
[.] __CSS245 Security Pol/Impl Issues

[.] Managing Risk In Info Sys (3 required credits)
[.] __CSS230 Managing Risk Info Syst

[.] Auditing IT Infrastruct (3 required credits)
[.] __CSS345 Auditing IT Infrastruct

[.] Access Controls (3 required credits)
[.] __CSS346 Access Controls

[.] Network Security (3 required credits)
[.] __CSS435 Fund Network Security

[.] Systems Forensics/Invest (3 required credits)
[.] __CSS436 Syst Forensics/Invest/Res

[.] Hacker Techniques/Tools (3 required credits)
[.] __CSS437 Hacker Tech,Tool/Incident

[.] Security Strat Web Apps (3 required credits)
[.] __CSS438 Secur Strat for Web App

[.] Security/Cyberwarfare
[.] __Choose two (6 cr) from:
________CSS 347 Security Strategies in Win OS/App,
________CSS 348 Security Strategies in Linux OS App,
________CSS 4XX Cyber warfare

[.] Cybersecurity Capstone CSS 490 Required
[.] __CSS490 Cybersecurity Capstone
Liberal Arts Req for BS (NOT MET) 60.00 Hours Needed
Liberal Arts Req for BS:          22.20 Hours Earned
ENG 151 Composition 1 (ENG101)
FMS 209 Fundamentals (ENG900)
ART 160 Art in Life (FAR100)
FMP 201 The Creative Process 1 (FAR110)
HST 110 U.S. since 1865 (HIS102)
MAT 151 College Algebra (MAT103)
PSY 251 Intro to Psychology (PSY101)
=== Free Electives 23.30 Hours Earned ===

CSC 281 Principles of Computer Program 1 ITE151
CMP 220 Object Oriented Tech ITE152
CIS 176 Computer Programming © ITE210
CMP 209 Unix ITE750
CMP 240 Advanced Object Oriented Tech ITE751
CMP 241 Database Program (Oracle) ITE752
CIS 158 Microcomputer Database Management ITE140

=== Course Totals (NOT MET)===

Required 1st Course: IDS 101; Additional Option: SCI 201/202 - RAF
Hours Needed/Earned:          120.00 / 45.50
Hours In Progress:            0.00
Count Needed/Earned:          0 / 14
Quality Points Needed/Earned: 0.00 / 165.50
GPA Needed/Earned:            2.00 / 3.64
Don't let your age make you feel like you can't jump to cybersecurity. There is a lot of free training here: It wouldn't be hard to catch up as long as you are motivated with your studies. Once you get some knowledge under your belt, start practicing your penetration testing skills at By the way, they do not give out invitation codes, you have to hack your way in to get a code. After you are comfortable with all of the scenarios they have available, you could start making a side income from using crowd-sourced penetration testing sites such as or There are some people that make enough money from those sites that it becomes their sole source of income.
John L. Watson
Earned: WGU: BS-NOS (2019), WGU: MS-CSIA (2021)
Current Programs: UC: PhD in InfoSec (2025), AMA: DIT (2024), ENEB: MBA (2023)
Exam Priority: CEH (Practical), PMP, CISA, CISM
Future Plans: TBD - maybe an MS in Cannabis Science & Business, sounds like fun!
Omni Transcript
Credly Badges
[-] The following 3 users Like jamshid666's post:
  • cecilgambe7, Clepper43, justlearning123
(09-01-2019, 04:10 PM)cecilgambe7 Wrote: Don't feel unmotivated and dont care about your age, you can have personal growth at any age.

Try to generate the habit of completing at least one course per month, anyone.

If you chose COSC Cybersecurity degree they ask for 11 CSS courses that you can't transfer from, SL, Saylor or Sophia; i dont know if you can transfer these courses from TEEX or another online resource, but if not, and you need to pay COSC tution, you will pay about 13.000 usd to meet this request.

If you want any degree, BALS at COSC or Excelsior is the fastest one, if you want something more meaninful and with more "job impact" BSBA is a good choise.

IT related degress takes so long and are very frustrating because of the time every course takes, the difficulty and the fact of re-take exams due to dont reach minimum grade, etc. If you want to work on software industry as free lancer, i think autodidact way is better (to learn by yourself with internet resourses), specially for mobile apps; universities courses have a big gap in this issue, what industry request now is more advanced that what universities teach.

With this last advice I don't want to say don't look for your degree, but that you maybe must consider BALS or BSBA...

If you actually dont know what degree you want to do, don't keep thinking about this, start with the general education courses (those that are the same for all degrees) while you keep thinking about this...

What is "BALS" ?  Is that a B.A. in Leadership Studies?
[-] The following 1 user Likes justlearning123's post:
  • cecilgambe7
(09-01-2019, 05:24 PM)justlearning123 Wrote:
(09-01-2019, 04:10 PM)cecilgambe7 Wrote: Don't feel unmotivated and dont care about your age, you can have personal growth at any age.

Try to generate the habit of completing at least one course per month, anyone.

If you chose COSC Cybersecurity degree they ask for 11 CSS courses that you can't transfer from, SL, Saylor or Sophia; i dont know if you can transfer these courses from TEEX or another online resource, but if not, and you need to pay COSC tution, you will pay about 13.000 usd to meet this request.

If you want any degree, BALS at COSC or Excelsior is the fastest one, if you want something more meaninful and with more "job impact" BSBA is a good choise.

IT related degress takes so long and are very frustrating because of the time every course takes, the difficulty and the fact of re-take exams due to dont reach minimum grade, etc. If you want to work on software industry as free lancer, i think autodidact way is better (to learn by yourself with internet resourses), specially for mobile apps; universities courses have a big gap in this issue, what industry request now is more advanced that what universities teach.

With this last advice I don't want to say don't look for your degree, but that you maybe must consider BALS or BSBA...

If you actually dont know what degree you want to do, don't keep thinking about this, start with the general education courses (those that are the same for all degrees) while you keep thinking about this...

What is "BALS" ?  Is that a B.A. in Leadership Studies?

Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies
John L. Watson
Earned: WGU: BS-NOS (2019), WGU: MS-CSIA (2021)
Current Programs: UC: PhD in InfoSec (2025), AMA: DIT (2024), ENEB: MBA (2023)
Exam Priority: CEH (Practical), PMP, CISA, CISM
Future Plans: TBD - maybe an MS in Cannabis Science & Business, sounds like fun!
Omni Transcript
Credly Badges
[-] The following 1 user Likes jamshid666's post:
  • cecilgambe7
(09-01-2019, 05:24 PM)justlearning123 Wrote:
(09-01-2019, 04:10 PM)cecilgambe7 Wrote: Don't feel unmotivated and dont care about your age, you can have personal growth at any age.

Try to generate the habit of completing at least one course per month, anyone.

If you chose COSC Cybersecurity degree they ask for 11 CSS courses that you can't transfer from, SL, Saylor or Sophia; i dont know if you can transfer these courses from TEEX or another online resource, but if not, and you need to pay COSC tution, you will pay about 13.000 usd to meet this request.

If you want any degree, BALS at COSC or Excelsior is the fastest one, if you want something more meaninful and with more "job impact" BSBA is a good choise.

IT related degress takes so long and are very frustrating because of the time every course takes, the difficulty and the fact of re-take exams due to dont reach minimum grade, etc. If you want to work on software industry as free lancer, i think autodidact way is better (to learn by yourself with internet resourses), specially for mobile apps; universities courses have a big gap in this issue, what industry request now is more advanced that what universities teach.

With this last advice I don't want to say don't look for your degree, but that you maybe must consider BALS or BSBA...

If you actually dont know what degree you want to do, don't keep thinking about this, start with the general education courses (those that are the same for all degrees) while you keep thinking about this...

What is "BALS" ?  Is that a B.A. in Leadership Studies?

As Jamshi says, it is BA in Liberal Studies, you can finish it under 4500 usd, and in few month, they just ask for 27 upper credits (plus capstone) in any liberal art courses (math, history, psycology, sociology, etc), another 30 credits LL in liberal arts courses that you can finish fast, easy and cheap by using Shmoop; and the general education + free electives courses.

It is usually the most flexible degree
The only bad thing is it have no big job imact, but you will have your degree.

You can finish this in few month and then keep thinking in a IT degree; this is the fast way.
Is there an online school that is SL/Sophia/ friendly that has a web-development focus? Work at your own pace, and with regional accreditation? Or possibly mobile development. Those areas also interest me.

(09-01-2019, 06:08 PM)cecilgambe7 Wrote:
(09-01-2019, 05:24 PM)justlearning123 Wrote:
(09-01-2019, 04:10 PM)cecilgambe7 Wrote: Don't feel unmotivated and dont care about your age, you can have personal growth at any age.

Try to generate the habit of completing at least one course per month, anyone.

If you chose COSC Cybersecurity degree they ask for 11 CSS courses that you can't transfer from, SL, Saylor or Sophia; i dont know if you can transfer these courses from TEEX or another online resource, but if not, and you need to pay COSC tution, you will pay about 13.000 usd to meet this request.

If you want any degree, BALS at COSC or Excelsior is the fastest one, if you want something more meaninful and with more "job impact" BSBA is a good choise.

IT related degress takes so long and are very frustrating because of the time every course takes, the difficulty and the fact of re-take exams due to dont reach minimum grade, etc. If you want to work on software industry as free lancer, i think autodidact way is better (to learn by yourself with internet resourses), specially for mobile apps; universities courses have a big gap in this issue, what industry request now is more advanced that what universities teach.

With this last advice I don't want to say don't look for your degree, but that you maybe must consider BALS or BSBA...

If you actually dont know what degree you want to do, don't keep thinking about this, start with the general education courses (those that are the same for all degrees) while you keep thinking about this...

What is "BALS" ?  Is that a B.A. in Leadership Studies?

As Jamshi says, it is BA in Liberal Studies, you can finish it under 4500 usd, and in few month, they just ask for 27 upper credits (plus capstone) in any liberal art courses (math, history, psycology, sociology, etc), another 30 credits LL in liberal arts courses that you can finish fast, easy and cheap by using Shmoop; and the general education + free electives courses.

It is usually the most flexible degree
The only bad thing is it have no big job imact, but you will have your degree.

You can finish this in few month and then keep thinking in a IT degree; this is the fast way.

Shmoop looks great, I never even heard of them.  Is there a list of all the places that let you take classes for college credit? I have heard of:

Before today, I only heard of StraighterLine, so there must be a lot of them.

I don't see a BA in Liberal Studies at COSC.  Do you mean a "Bachelor of Arts in General Studies"?

Hah, hard to imagine getting a degree in a few months when it has eluded me for decades.  I have a major interest in drama and theater also, does that fall under "Liberal Arts"? Its probably under English.

(09-01-2019, 06:08 PM)cecilgambe7 Wrote:
(09-01-2019, 05:24 PM)justlearning123 Wrote:
(09-01-2019, 04:10 PM)cecilgambe7 Wrote: Don't feel unmotivated and dont care about your age, you can have personal growth at any age.

Try to generate the habit of completing at least one course per month, anyone.

If you chose COSC Cybersecurity degree they ask for 11 CSS courses that you can't transfer from, SL, Saylor or Sophia; i dont know if you can transfer these courses from TEEX or another online resource, but if not, and you need to pay COSC tution, you will pay about 13.000 usd to meet this request.

If you want any degree, BALS at COSC or Excelsior is the fastest one, if you want something more meaninful and with more "job impact" BSBA is a good choise.

IT related degress takes so long and are very frustrating because of the time every course takes, the difficulty and the fact of re-take exams due to dont reach minimum grade, etc. If you want to work on software industry as free lancer, i think autodidact way is better (to learn by yourself with internet resourses), specially for mobile apps; universities courses have a big gap in this issue, what industry request now is more advanced that what universities teach.

With this last advice I don't want to say don't look for your degree, but that you maybe must consider BALS or BSBA...

If you actually dont know what degree you want to do, don't keep thinking about this, start with the general education courses (those that are the same for all degrees) while you keep thinking about this...

What is "BALS" ?  Is that a B.A. in Leadership Studies?

As Jamshi says, it is BA in Liberal Studies, you can finish it under 4500 usd, and in few month, they just ask for 27 upper credits (plus capstone) in any liberal art courses (math, history, psycology, sociology, etc), another 30 credits LL in liberal arts courses that you can finish fast, easy and cheap by using Shmoop; and the general education + free electives courses.

It is usually the most flexible degree
The only bad thing is it have no big job imact, but you will have your degree.

You can finish this in few month and then keep thinking in a IT degree; this is the fast way.

Wow, I just found the BALS using Google:

It actually has a lot of the non-tech things I like.
Yes, they ask for 90 credits in liberal art, not 60 as i told you before. 30 UL and 60 LL, you already have 22 credits in liberal arts; you can get 27 UL credits using and 3 more credits with capstone, i think you have no other chance to get UL credits in liberal arts on the net ( is the main provider for Liberal arts upper credits)... then you can get all the LL credits by using Shmoop...

TEEX (they offer some free courses in Cybersecurity you can do if you are US recident)
DAVAR Academy
Coopersmith (also free courses, you must pay just pay 25-30 per proctored exam, im doing marcoeconomics with them now)

And a few more are the credits courses providers... some of them only offer courses for US citizens (i'm not). But the most important ones are those who offer ACE credits, you can create an ACE account and transfer the credits you earn for this account. So the main providers are, SL, and Shmoop...

Shmoop credits are not acepted by TESU, but they are acepted by COSC and Excelsior.

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