04-02-2011, 08:55 PM
I happen to be very bad at this, but I have been making great improvements over the past few years. On this board, there are a lot of focused individuals, so I wanted to gather some tips from everyone.
I'm not one who can simply wake up in the morning and find myself getting busy. If I don't give myself clear direction for what I want to do with my day, I am liable to spend the entire day, literally, watching videos or playing games. Therefore, the methods that have worked best for me have been those that are systematic. I have systems. Lots of them.
Anyway, since I want to hear your ideas, I will only give out one tip. Two weeks ago, I got the genius idea to organize my to-do lists in the form of a concept map. I've been very pleased with the results. I like putting everything in such clear, radial, categorical perspective. It helps me to keep track of what I need to do to satisfy the major areas of my life and to consider a day to be progressive. In the middle bubble, usually where you would put the "main idea" or "topic," I write this (using today as an example)...
April 02, 2011
At the end of the day, I can back-trace everything I did for the day and determine if my day was as WINNING as a day in the life of Mr.Sheen himself :roflol:
I'm not one who can simply wake up in the morning and find myself getting busy. If I don't give myself clear direction for what I want to do with my day, I am liable to spend the entire day, literally, watching videos or playing games. Therefore, the methods that have worked best for me have been those that are systematic. I have systems. Lots of them.
Anyway, since I want to hear your ideas, I will only give out one tip. Two weeks ago, I got the genius idea to organize my to-do lists in the form of a concept map. I've been very pleased with the results. I like putting everything in such clear, radial, categorical perspective. It helps me to keep track of what I need to do to satisfy the major areas of my life and to consider a day to be progressive. In the middle bubble, usually where you would put the "main idea" or "topic," I write this (using today as an example)...
April 02, 2011
At the end of the day, I can back-trace everything I did for the day and determine if my day was as WINNING as a day in the life of Mr.Sheen himself :roflol: