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Good news about TESC math/natural science

Thats exactly where I go to get my information!Smile


Consider it northern charm.Big Grin Our tone is definitely different than our brethren in the south. I have found myself guilty of it when last in SC. The tempo of our cultures is much different. Notwithstanding there are some strange cookies working at tesc.

Going forward, if there is an advisor who you have a better rapport with, make a 30 minute phone appointment to speak with that person. It doesn’t matter if you only have two questions and it should take only ten minutes. I think sometimes they like that scenario. I see it this way, I've paid an annual tuition, so I should get all the phone assistance I need. What else do they really do? Not sure if you realize but when you call the express line they have a five minute window to handle your call. When it gets close to the five minute mark they get snippy. You need to get out the situation fast - basically give them your question quickly, let them enter the information and respond whether it’s approved or not. I use the express line for confirmations or to enter courses I basically already know will work.

My advice on this is to call registrar’s office direct, and ask to speak to someone in the evaluation department (there is a name for this group but I can’t remember it off hand). You could also send an email through blackboard to advising. I have had better luck on the phone than through emails. Some on the board prefer emails. My problem with that is if I need to argue an issue, I can’t do it through email. It’s the luck of the draw.

Don't worry about the push back of the second degree. Once you are in the program that changes. On one hand I do understand their view that for the added time and cost of the second degree you could start the masters program which to academia is a big step. But considering we are testers, its actually very cheap to get the second degree and then go on to the masters program if that is your goal.

Good luck!

*Wow, this was a long post.
One more point, you took the 300 level network technology tecep exam and the PF CIS courses. Shouldn't they all fall under the natsci/mat concentration? Seems you would have to only do a few clep/dsst 100-200 level exams, even femas to fulfill the new credits?? LOL

"Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan." -Tom Landry

AAS, Admin Studies. 2010
BA, Social Sciences. 2010. Arnold Fletcher Award.
AAS, Environmental, Safety & Security Technologies. 2011
BSBA, General Management. 2011. Arnold Fletcher Award. Sigma Beta Delta (ΣΒΔWink!

Messages In This Thread
Good news about TESC math/natural science - by bricabrac - 03-20-2011, 05:35 PM

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