03-09-2011, 11:38 AM
Thanks for everyone's input! I guess I might be making this more difficult than it probably is. I have 6credits left to go by April 26th and my brain is just plain warped! The Astronomy test is scheduled for this coming Monday morning and I have to drive 100 miles to get to the testing site. If I don't pass this test, I'm out another testing fee, plus gas money, time and effort, as well as time off from work. On top of all that I have to pick another test to study for and hopefully pass it before my deadline of April 26th. I'm also scheduled to take Substance Abuse again, but I can't take it until after the end of March or beginning of April because I failed it by only 5 points back in September. I want to take the Substance Abuse again because I think there's still some info left re: this topic in the back of my brain somewhere and with some effort I should be able to unlock that information. (I'm hoping anyway!) The Astronomy flashcards have only a little over 200 questions within all of the combined subtopics. Surely, you would think, I can handle that before Monday morning, right? I'll roll with! Thanks again!