03-08-2011, 07:50 PM
Studying for Astronomy and need a few pointers. The non-updated non-V2 version of Astronomy makes it very difficult to go back over the questions that I got wrong. Does it seem like you had to go back through the entire subtopic or is there a way you can get to where the questions you answered incorrectly were? It seems now as if I have to go back to each one individually, but when I try to do that it ends up taking back through the entire subtopic including the ones I got right!?!?!? Did you have this same problem? Is there a better way to do this and I'm missing something? I will admit it, my brain is fried! Also, when you mentioned the Peterson's practice tests, did you mean the ones that are available on free-clep-prep.com or did you go to the actual Peterson's website?
This is for anyone else, I remember a posting about sometime ago re: Astronomy about some good info on ITunesU.com, but I can't seem to find where I need to go re: Astronomy on that site. Has anybody else had this problem or can they point me in the right or another direction so I can pass this dat blasted test next week? Thanks for the input! Have a good night!
This is for anyone else, I remember a posting about sometime ago re: Astronomy about some good info on ITunesU.com, but I can't seem to find where I need to go re: Astronomy on that site. Has anybody else had this problem or can they point me in the right or another direction so I can pass this dat blasted test next week? Thanks for the input! Have a good night!