01-16-2011, 04:15 PM
Actually, Seminary Extension ACE credit approval runs out in October of 2011. If you complete the ACE approved credit by then, you still get the ACE credit.
Introduction to World Religions - 464
Here's to Your Health - 456
Western Europe Since 1945 - 65
Substance Abuse - 454
General Anthropology - 68
Environment and Humanity - 65
Introduction to Computing - 463
Principles of Statistics - 424
Humanities - 64
Biology - 59
College Composition - 51
Excelsior Exams
Introduction to Philosophy - A
Introduction to World Religions - 464
Here's to Your Health - 456
Western Europe Since 1945 - 65
Substance Abuse - 454
General Anthropology - 68
Environment and Humanity - 65
Introduction to Computing - 463
Principles of Statistics - 424
Humanities - 64
Biology - 59
College Composition - 51
Excelsior Exams
Introduction to Philosophy - A