11-03-2010, 08:58 AM
I've compiled my list of exams that I will be taking to get my BA in Psych. I do well in English so I figured I would start out with those CLEPs first. My question is: If I feel ready enough, can I take more then one CLEP in a day or is that against the rules? If this has been asked already I'm sorry, I tried to search for an answer to this but didn't have much luck. I'm hoping to take the following CLEPS together though probably not all in one day more like two if possible: College Composition, Analyzing & Inter. Lit., English Lit. and American Lit.
Any suggestions? Yay or Nay?
Any suggestions? Yay or Nay?

Got to love life...2 Children:
My 13 month old son & my husband. :willynilly: :o :willynilly:
Let's see how fast I can get this degree done! Law School here I come?
My 13 month old son & my husband. :willynilly: :o :willynilly:
Let's see how fast I can get this degree done! Law School here I come?