09-09-2010, 10:32 PM
bricabrac Wrote:for some reason I dont find that correct info - why would they give it different course numbers? May be who ever that was (webinar) is confused by the titles...was it an advisor? When courses duplicate they use the same course number -- example COS-101 used for both the dantes intro to computing and clep info systems.
Again, if you are an enrolled student, I would speak with an advisor, the expressline even. If allowed they can add both to your evaluation which is an approval.
I am not a tesc specialist, I'm just a graduate. I do know I received credit for both MAT 115 & MAT 121 through aleks; and I have been audited twice now for two degrees and those very same courses are again sitting on my current academic eval for the third degree...so I take that persons comment with a grain of salt. Of course YMMV.
I would agree with you; because of the course #'s, they should be different and one could go towards free electives. With TESC - the answers depend on who you talk to. I went and took MIS DSST, a 300 level course because someone told me i needed it. Then I see on my evaluation that the COS Computer information systems CLEP which I had taken fit in there, and the MIS was slipped to Free electives.
Depends who you talk to. If you get a positive affirmation, ask for them to send you an email stating it. That keeps you safe