05-03-2010, 09:25 AM
cookderosa Wrote:I JUST finished my last Anatomy and Physiology II lab :hurray: Between both of them and chem, I have done 36 home labs. (the fun starts to wear off somewhere around number 20). Anyway, I have extra stuff. Much of it I'm keeping since I'll need it for next semester, however, I have a few specimens that are preserved (non-stinky) in sealed plastic and can be dissected. I'll have to look, but I think I have at least 1 brain, and maybe a kidney....or was it a heart? Anyway, I have them and don't need them.
Do any of you want to dissect something? I'm happy to send them to you for free, and I can give you the web addy for our class support page and online lab manual. That paired with google and a knife will take you through everything you need to know.
If you want them, send me a pm. I have 4 exams this week- so it'll be NEXT week before I worry about shipping- but let me know asap- otherwise they're going in the trash.
You can see where they came from here: Home | Hands On Labs