03-08-2010, 11:15 AM
NAP Wrote:Hi Marianne!>>
I agree with them; you should be able to do this through Excelsior.
Also, it is my understanding that even after your degree has been conferred, it is possible to add new credits earned to your EC transcript (for a fee, no credit bank needed). As Daniel said, these new credits would be below the degree line on the transcript. That makes it very convenient to continue learning.
I think Danielle and I are seeing this the same way but through 2 different sides of the coin. I just posted a thread where University of Illinois Chicago SPECIFICALLY required that my English Comp CLEP not only be on my undergrad transcript, but that TESC must have awarded me 6 credits- or else I was going to have to enroll in each of those classes. In other words, my CLEP only counted if it was part of a RA BA. If it was only on my College Board transcript, they were not going to take it.
Now, this is probably unusual- and in my other grad school applications (and my husbands) this has never been brought up. So, that's why my answer is "yes, but as long as it doesn't delay graduation." I mean, odds are, that your grad schools will take the credit- however, if you can get anything inside of your grad date, then I think it's just extra security to do so.