02-03-2010, 10:09 PM
15%Luck Wrote:I took this yesterday and passed with a 63. It isn't all that bad. here's where they placed most of the weight on the test.
Piaget's Stage Theory (heavy)
Vygotsky's Sociocultural theory (heavy)
Infant Cognition, sensation and perceptual abilities (heavy)
Classical Conditioning
The different IQ tests and how they're scored
Kohlberg's moral development theory (heavy)
If you know those things well you'll pass.
What are you scoring on the Practice tests?
I scored a 51 and need a 46 to pass. I am kinda nervous. Thanks for the info though, I will greatly benefit from that I'm sure. I am doing all of the flashcards as many times as I can to increase my general knowledge.