01-27-2010, 08:41 PM
Hey, Linda:
To show my age -- that phrase was "Carter's little liver pills."
I love IC's cards but like you find the fact that my answer is not the EXACT match frustrating. This said, now I open a word document and copy everything over. Move the correct answer into the blank, clean them up and have documents with the IC cards on them and, in my case, enlarge the font. I can read through them over and over and get the material I need to know down pat. Most of the time 3 to 4 readings is enough. If hard-- 5 times. When I first started, I would print these out and carry with me to appointments and while in waiting rooms, or sitting at a traffic light, read them again. Now I just read them on the computer.
I also go to the Specific Exam Feedback section and do something similar, copying suggested links to visit or subject that I should Google or Wiki to study -- making sure to copy either links in to read over a few times, or if it is short, copy that into the document. It can be pages long but this helps give me more information all in one place to keep studying until I feel better.
If Peterson's practice tests are available, I use them -- but I suspect you and I are following a similar path and many of my tests now do not have practice tests. Sometimes, the forum notes have links to textbooks sites that others have found -- with online quizzes and tests, and they are really helpful. If you are using a used textbook, maybe you can check the publisher site to see if there are any study support sites.
Sometimes the forum notes have links to videos -- depending on the subject. Just depending on time, sometimes I google and try to find videos myself but it is not my strong point.
Then -- maybe you just need to calendar a small mini-vacation (a stay-cation?) for you, family, and/or friends to get together or go visit something fairly close for a few hours. You just may need some "me time", with a massage or getting your nails done (no kids), a long walk alone, or ride on a horse. A few hours away can sometimes give you enough of a break to be able to get back on track. Be kind to yourself and make plans to do something after the next test Maybe a movie with a girlfriend. You can give up 2-3 hours, but then get back to working and no TV.
You are not the first, nor will you be the last, person to post about having this problem as you approach the beloved finish line. You CAN do this!
To show my age -- that phrase was "Carter's little liver pills."
I love IC's cards but like you find the fact that my answer is not the EXACT match frustrating. This said, now I open a word document and copy everything over. Move the correct answer into the blank, clean them up and have documents with the IC cards on them and, in my case, enlarge the font. I can read through them over and over and get the material I need to know down pat. Most of the time 3 to 4 readings is enough. If hard-- 5 times. When I first started, I would print these out and carry with me to appointments and while in waiting rooms, or sitting at a traffic light, read them again. Now I just read them on the computer.
I also go to the Specific Exam Feedback section and do something similar, copying suggested links to visit or subject that I should Google or Wiki to study -- making sure to copy either links in to read over a few times, or if it is short, copy that into the document. It can be pages long but this helps give me more information all in one place to keep studying until I feel better.
If Peterson's practice tests are available, I use them -- but I suspect you and I are following a similar path and many of my tests now do not have practice tests. Sometimes, the forum notes have links to textbooks sites that others have found -- with online quizzes and tests, and they are really helpful. If you are using a used textbook, maybe you can check the publisher site to see if there are any study support sites.
Sometimes the forum notes have links to videos -- depending on the subject. Just depending on time, sometimes I google and try to find videos myself but it is not my strong point.
Then -- maybe you just need to calendar a small mini-vacation (a stay-cation?) for you, family, and/or friends to get together or go visit something fairly close for a few hours. You just may need some "me time", with a massage or getting your nails done (no kids), a long walk alone, or ride on a horse. A few hours away can sometimes give you enough of a break to be able to get back on track. Be kind to yourself and make plans to do something after the next test Maybe a movie with a girlfriend. You can give up 2-3 hours, but then get back to working and no TV.
You are not the first, nor will you be the last, person to post about having this problem as you approach the beloved finish line. You CAN do this!