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Help I need a kick in the A$$
I have a tight schedule to take 26 credits by mid June. I have scheduled my next exam for Feb. 5th and I have started study, but I seem to be having a really tough time getting down to it. I have found more excuses to procrastinate then carter has little pills(now I'm showing my age)Rolleyes . This is the first test in a very long time that I don't have any practice test for. I am finding it hard to gage my readyness and what I still need to study so I just procrastinate more. I am getting frustrated with the flashcards because it is hard to keep track of how many I know when it is so picky about words ( I write parental and it says wrong becaue the answer is parents)

So PLEASE can someone tell me what I can do to get over this hump and feel ready for this test.banghead

Start by doing what is necessary: then do the possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible  St Francis of Assisi

Now a retired substitute Teacher in NY, & SC

AA Liberal Studies TESC '08
BA in Natural Science/Mathematics TESC Sept '10
AAS Environmental safety and Security Technology TESC  Dec '12
Lindagerr Wrote:I have a tight schedule to take 26 credits by mid June. I have scheduled my next exam for Feb. 5th and I have started study, but I seem to be having a really tough time getting down to it. I have found more excuses to procrastinate then carter has little pills(now I'm showing my age)Rolleyes . This is the first test in a very long time that I don't have any practice test for. I am finding it hard to gage my readyness and what I still need to study so I just procrastinate more. I am getting frustrated with the flashcards because it is hard to keep track of how many I know when it is so picky about words ( I write parental and it says wrong becaue the answer is parents)

So PLEASE can someone tell me what I can do to get over this hump and feel ready for this test.banghead

This is truly hard to believe since you've given me so much encouragement. As of tomorrow I will have blasted out 27 credits in 3.5 weeks. You can get it done! What has helped me is that I just keep moving FORWARD in my studies. I haven't watched hardly any TV and I only treat myself to anything on those lines once I feel like I've reached a goal. It takes a lot out of you but you don't lose focus nearly as much. I find that by leaving my TV off and removing the distractions I can concentrate a lot better.

My one distraction that I allow is coming here and reading/posting. Look at how long my thread is...hilarious This is not a physical game but rather a mental game with yourself. You can overcome the lack of concentration! It just takes a good kick in the rear end! KEEP MOVING FORWARD! cheersmate
What test are you taking on the 5th ?
Hey, Linda:
To show my age -- that phrase was "Carter's little liver pills."

I love IC's cards but like you find the fact that my answer is not the EXACT match frustrating. This said, now I open a word document and copy everything over. Move the correct answer into the blank, clean them up and have documents with the IC cards on them and, in my case, enlarge the font. I can read through them over and over and get the material I need to know down pat. Most of the time 3 to 4 readings is enough. If hard-- 5 times. When I first started, I would print these out and carry with me to appointments and while in waiting rooms, or sitting at a traffic light, read them again. Now I just read them on the computer.

I also go to the Specific Exam Feedback section and do something similar, copying suggested links to visit or subject that I should Google or Wiki to study -- making sure to copy either links in to read over a few times, or if it is short, copy that into the document. It can be pages long but this helps give me more information all in one place to keep studying until I feel better.

If Peterson's practice tests are available, I use them -- but I suspect you and I are following a similar path and many of my tests now do not have practice tests. Sometimes, the forum notes have links to textbooks sites that others have found -- with online quizzes and tests, and they are really helpful. If you are using a used textbook, maybe you can check the publisher site to see if there are any study support sites.

Sometimes the forum notes have links to videos -- depending on the subject. Just depending on time, sometimes I google and try to find videos myself but it is not my strong point.

Then -- maybe you just need to calendar a small mini-vacation (a stay-cation?) for you, family, and/or friends to get together or go visit something fairly close for a few hours. You just may need some "me time", with a massage or getting your nails done (no kids), a long walk alone, or ride on a horse. A few hours away can sometimes give you enough of a break to be able to get back on track. Be kind to yourself and make plans to do something after the next test Smile Maybe a movie with a girlfriend. You can give up 2-3 hours, but then get back to working and no TV.

You are not the first, nor will you be the last, person to post about having this problem as you approach the beloved finish line. You CAN do this!
Haha, you sound like me. I have been trying to get down to Principles of Finance and am just skimming the surface. I just can't get started. I have to get this and Statistics done by the end of Feb. I start a class on Sat. and then two classes at the beginning of March. And then I am done. Already applied for commencement in May. You would think that would be incentive enough.

That is good advice about distractions. All I can say is JUST DO IT!!! Make a calendar of study time and stick to it. Now if only I could follow my own advice. :mad:

BS (UMUC) in 2010, 30+ years in the making!!

Intro to Computing 63
Astronomy 63
Technical Writing 62
Principles of Mgt 71
Principles of Marketing 68
Substance Abuse 467
College Math 56
Principles of Finance 425
Principles of Statistics 458

Exams: ALL DONE!!!!!!!!!!

GRADUATION--UMUC--MAY 15, 2010 (unbelievable)
I am taking Foundations of Education on the 5th.

I forgot the "liver" part See my memory is goingConfusedmilelol:

I will look for aweb site for the text that is a good idea.
I just need something to help me direct my study.

Thanks all for the encouragement.

o no more procrastination, I am off to study:leaving:

Start by doing what is necessary: then do the possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible  St Francis of Assisi

Now a retired substitute Teacher in NY, & SC

AA Liberal Studies TESC '08
BA in Natural Science/Mathematics TESC Sept '10
AAS Environmental safety and Security Technology TESC  Dec '12
Lindagerr Wrote:I have a tight schedule to take 26 credits by mid June. I have scheduled my next exam for Feb. 5th and I have started study, but I seem to be having a really tough time getting down to it. I have found more excuses to procrastinate then carter has little pills(now I'm showing my age)Rolleyes . This is the first test in a very long time that I don't have any practice test for. I am finding it hard to gage my readyness and what I still need to study so I just procrastinate more. I am getting frustrated with the flashcards because it is hard to keep track of how many I know when it is so picky about words ( I write parental and it says wrong becaue the answer is parents)

So PLEASE can someone tell me what I can do to get over this hump and feel ready for this test.banghead

Nawww....I say just stop now. It's too hard anyway. Degrees are just so demanding! Think of all the free time and extra $ you'd have if you took up knitting instead! :nopity:

I usually overcame my anxiety over tests with my almost delusional faith in my test-taking abilities and probably unhealthy amounts of self-induced pressure. Sometimes if I felt myself dragging in my studies, I would go ahead and call University of Phoenix to schedule the test a little sooner than I was planning. In essence, I would light a fire under my butt to get myself moving. I figured that if I couldn't afford to fail, I wouldn't. (And I really could not afford to...many of these tests were core requirements with no alternative and waiting 6 months to retake was not an option.)

This approach never failed me, but you know what motivates you better than I do. Focus on beating these tests so you can collect your credits, and your prize.
[SIZE="1"]BS General Business, March 2010

CLEP College Algebra 51
CLEP Natural Sciences 63
CLEP Social Sciences and History 59
CLEP A&I Lit. 74
CLEP Intro to Sociology 67
CLEP Info Systems and Computer App. 58
CLEP Intro to Psychology 66
CLEP Intro to Business Law 64
CLEP Principles of Management 73
CLEP Principles of Marketing 63
CLEP Principles of Macroeconomics 61
CLEP Principles of Microeconomics 62
DSST Fundamentals of Counseling 49
DSST Principles of Supervision 61
DSST Substance Abuse 441 (Pass)
DSST Business Law II 67
DSST Management Information Systems 436
DSST Principles of Statistics 466
DSST Principles of Finance 435
DSST Civil War and Reconstruction 57
DSST Criminal Justice 431
ECE English Comp C :mad:
ECE World Population A
ECE Ethics, Theory and Practice A
ECE Organizational Behavior A
ECE Human Resource Management B
EC Business Policy B
Straighterline Accounting I B
Straighterline Accounting II B
CSU Pueblo Ops Management A
maybe these will help

Foundations of Education

Foundations of Education: History ... - Google Books
Lindagerr Wrote:I have a tight schedule to take 26 credits by mid June.

"Slow and Steady - Wins the Race"
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:

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