01-21-2010, 09:52 PM
Thanks, Ruddigore! From all the scary stories I saw on here & degreeinfo, I was expecting the practice test to be a lot harder than it was. But I've always been an art & lit freak, so I guess that is going to pay off.
Does anyone have a rough estimate of how the time periods are split up, emphasis-wise?? There was a lot more on ancient art but relatively modern lit in the first practice test, is that fairly accurate? I've seen percentage estimates on style & subject matter of questions, but not time period...
Thanks :]
Does anyone have a rough estimate of how the time periods are split up, emphasis-wise?? There was a lot more on ancient art but relatively modern lit in the first practice test, is that fairly accurate? I've seen percentage estimates on style & subject matter of questions, but not time period...
Thanks :]
TESC Criminal Justice BA '12
B&M Civil Engineering BS (In Progress)
B&M Civil Engineering BS (In Progress)