alissaroot Wrote:I thought if EC students enrolled in the B.S. immediately after doing an A.S. they received a huge discount on the enrollment fee, something like $400 off, so that the cost for doing a B.S. in addition to an A.S. would be about the same as if you had just done the B.S. alone, except for having to pay two graduation fees. Does anyone know for sure? Was that just a promotional thing or do they do that for all subsequent degrees through EC?
Hi Alissa!
That is my understanding of how it works, too, from what I have read in their brochures. The enrollment fee for the Bachelor's degree after completing an Associate degree through Excelsior is about half the regular fee, if you reenroll within a year. That basically gives you a year to work on your own between degrees and then a year to finish with them before another student fee is needed. It definitely helps if you want to get both degrees and can complete the second degree that quickly. (I hope it is their standard policy and not just a promotion.) It is still about $1500 plus $1000 for the 2 degrees, but it would be nice to be eligible for the discount.
I am considering doing this. Even if I need a 3rd year to complete the Bachelor's degree, then the discount would pay for the student service fee (about $450) and I would break even.
I also hope they will be willing to talk with me about my plans for a Bachelor's degree while I am enrolled for the Associate degree.
AS in 2010 and BS in 2013 at Excelsior College - Transcripts and Costs
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MS Biostatistics in 2019 at Texas A&M University - Graduate School
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