11-09-2009, 08:40 PM
Ruddigore Wrote:Who knows, maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised! You never know.
One thing that happened prior to the test gave me quite a scare. I was sitting down at my left-handed seat, filling out all the information when I noticed there was a section for my Social Security number. Oh no. While I have made a number of detached efforts to memorize my SS#, no matter what I did sitting there, it wouldn't come. Once you entered the room, there was no leaving, so trying to call home for the number wasn't an option. I was stuck. Would they cancel my scores if I failed to provide all the information? My fears were finally allayed when the proctor came to give me the directions on how to fill out the information. He said ETS technically couldn't require my providing my SS# and it wasn't any of their business anyway. Amen.
Now...the wait.
I have had this exact same scenario play out several times, so I finally got my act together and memorized it. 9 digit numbers are hard to remember!