10-04-2009, 06:41 PM
Hey guys thanks for the responses.
@Frankie - I can totally relate. I received my A.S. a couple years ago and have attended a local 4-year state college sporadically as it's a pretty long commute and at the time, I was working a full-time job. At this point, I'd like to complete my undergrad as soon as possible and gain admission into grad school within the next two years. Anyway, I'll be contacting the FA office at TESC to find out directly from them. Thanks guys!
@Frankie - I can totally relate. I received my A.S. a couple years ago and have attended a local 4-year state college sporadically as it's a pretty long commute and at the time, I was working a full-time job. At this point, I'd like to complete my undergrad as soon as possible and gain admission into grad school within the next two years. Anyway, I'll be contacting the FA office at TESC to find out directly from them. Thanks guys!