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CSU Pueblo - Mgmt 468
I didn't update this thread as much as I had with others because of the way I turned in my assignments.

I turned in my first two assignments and then the instructor notified me it could take up to two "Sundays" to grade the assignments. As it turns out whatever you have turned in by the time he grades is what he grades. So for the first Sunday he graded assignments 1 and 2.

I turned in assignments 3-6 on consecutive days and did the 2000 word term paper (with four charts) a few days later. I actually wrote the paper in one day, but it was suppose to be on developing a business process, then reviewing the process for changes and you really can't do that in one day. Each assignment takes like 6 pages of writing. Not difficult at all but there are a lot of questions, and NO EXAMS!

I sent them in and he said he would grade them by 10-11-09. I have been worried because TESC told me you have a little bit to get the final transcripts in but that there was no set date and that the transcripts have to be there just by whenever they review you for graduation.

Fortunately, he decided to grade everything today. I got 100% on all the assignments but the first, and a 98% on the term paper. So that is four "A" grades at CSU Pueblo. (1 last summer)

This course again is more on management than it is on quality techniques. If you have taken the other business courses required for a business degree you will have already covered all the subjects for the assignments in the book. This course can easily be completed in two weeks, however the assignments may not be graded that quick.

That is a little discouraging if you want to learn new techniques, but the techniques are in the book, just not covered in the course.

Good luck to all who take this course.

Messages In This Thread
CSU Pueblo - Mgmt 468 - by addision - 09-05-2009, 10:08 AM
CSU Pueblo - Mgmt 468 - by MISin08 - 09-05-2009, 02:53 PM
CSU Pueblo - Mgmt 468 - by addision - 09-14-2009, 07:29 PM
CSU Pueblo - Mgmt 468 - by addision - 10-03-2009, 11:33 PM

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