01-19-2009, 03:23 PM
Farmerboy, I don't subscribe to any theory or organization. I respect your standing w/the church. I think it's hypocritical and a farce in many cases. Some of it can be founded in the fact that when my nephew passed away at 16, the priest seemed to be a decent man who helped my brother through a tough, if not impossible time. Then he was charged and found guilty of sexual abuse w/a minor. You know, when I keep seeing the phony evangelicals on TV and read about all the abuses, that's enough for me. My standing is in that I look at the number of kids being killed in the inner city and then I hear people say, "We'll, that is where they choose to live". No they don't, not all of them. How do you move when it costs $$$$ to get out of poverty. Anyone who has children, think for a moment of growing up in that environment. Then think of the risk you have, everyday. These kids has sooooo much of an uphill battle. They don't get to own a Wii, PSP3 or any of the games that the other kids have. It is hard to imagine your child going to school every day and knowing this. Wouldn't you feel a little low. Then I hear the ignorant comment that they shouldn't have kids then. There is some truth to this. It is a valid point, up to a point. But, that is almost like saying, no, it is almost like practicing peaceful genocide. Sound ridiculous. Maybe. My root belief now is that we have become a very greedy people who feel WE worked for everything w/NO HELP FROM ANYONE! No TA, no grants, no donations, nothing. I did it all MYSELF. I am going to end my post this way. It will not change until we admit some fault, all of us, especially the rich bast%#*, that the poor and minorities are getting treated like crap. I don't need to put a name to my ideals, but if I must, call it human respect party!