9 hours ago
(9 hours ago)somethingdudesomething Wrote:Allright, thanks a lot. I have applied for next term April and they are telling me credit transfer window is closed and I can transfer credit once term has begun. That sounds very weird tbh.(10 hours ago)apple26 Wrote: What I mean was this;
For example on the Excel, there is "Business Communications" but I cannot find that on the catalog. Maybe "Professional Communication" is the correspondent name. Just trying to make it clear. I guess this is the name difference you mention, other than that this i really good sheet. I appreciate it. It helped me a ton.
Yes. I mean the exams, I just feel like being proctored puts more pressure.
1) I added now (itself) to Business Communication same as Project Management to clarify they transfer as themselves.
2) This is because:
You need 11 Electives in the last section (GenEd and CS) to satisfy this requirement. But for GenEd it can be a course mapped to a UoPeople course or not it doesn't matter (since they do have their own required genEd sections such as Psych for example as you know).
So with a little math we can optimize this section to include the most useful CS elec (in my case AI and AA cause those are juicy for masters application) and use Sophia to add new courses such as business comm (I think this course is very useful actually, it serves as a nice certificate on linked in) so we dont' have to take any "useless or 9 weeks long" genEd UoPeople course.
As for my degree plan, I will knock out everything on sophia and on the excel. I already have core courses almost done, and then do the rest from Study.com. Do you have any further recommendations?