7 hours ago
(8 hours ago)apple26 Wrote: Hey. Thanks for the excel. I have most of the sophias already taken but I guess I missed web development ones. I think I will have to do another sophia run. My main aim is to transfer as much as I can to lower the price and I guess I should also focus on Proctored exams.The courses you listed in excel differs from the one in the catalog https://catalog.uopeople.edu/ug_term1_it...rs-degrees
Should I grind all of those courses between 25-41 row numbers? I am kind of confused
If your goal is cost not transcripts, you should grind up to 90 credits (30 courses):
A) All the 17 "yellow" GenEd ones listed (Row 25 down).
B) 13 of what I consider "core" (2-24) courses, I provided alternatives for all of them, you can use the critiria that best suits you, maybe difficulty? since all will take same time.
Furthermore, the excel aligns with the GenEd link you provided, could you let me know which one is different? (aside from name update I guess).
University of Bath, United Kingdom (UK 6th, QS 150)
Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence, 2025-2027
University of York, United Kingdom (UK 19th, QS 184)
Master of Science in Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence, 2025-2027 (Transferred To Bath)
University of the People, United States
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science | Major: Artificial Intelligence | Summa cum Laude 4.0, 2020-2023
University of the People, United States
Associate of Science in Computer Science | Minor: Software Engineering| High Honor 4.0, 2020-2022
Linear Algebra I, II, III, IV, Certificates
Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence, 2025-2027
University of York, United Kingdom (UK 19th, QS 184)
Master of Science in Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence, 2025-2027 (Transferred To Bath)
University of the People, United States
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science | Major: Artificial Intelligence | Summa cum Laude 4.0, 2020-2023
University of the People, United States
Associate of Science in Computer Science | Minor: Software Engineering| High Honor 4.0, 2020-2022
Linear Algebra I, II, III, IV, Certificates