11-23-2008, 02:04 AM
PatsGirl1 Wrote:I should have saved time and just ditto'ed you>>
LOL No, I liked your answer. It's real life, and I think sometimes it's easy to think "everyone else" has it easy and only "I" struggle. Everyone here is juggling, everyone here is making sacrifices and working hard.
My son earned his black belt after 8 years, and along the way I told him time and time again, "if it was easy, everyone would have one" and I think that's true for a degree too. I meet more people who dropped out of college than who are graduates.
In my opinion, if you let too much time pass (taking a break) it's MUCH harder to bounce back- so I say double up your credit load and get done in half the time. (I once took 21 classroom credits in a semester hilarious)