06-28-2006, 10:28 AM
mom2LLL Wrote:I have taken two Peterson practice tests and scored 44 and 48 - this is what scares me. While I am taking these tests I always feel confident that I know the information and am always a little shocked by the score. I have never scored below 50 in any practice test before (except math). There also seems to be a lot of graphs in the practice test. Are there a lot on the actual test?
I'm also studying for Amer. Gov. and received similar scores as Kim on my peterson practice tests (46 and 48%'s). But then I took the practice test out of the Official CLEP Study Guide and received a 64%. Does anyone know if the peterson practice tests are much, much harder than the actual CLEP exam? I'm scheduled to take this test 7/8... meanwhile I'll start studying for Social Science & History.