06-26-2024, 07:16 PM
Okay, thank you for the help offered. I applied for a bachelor of arts in math and what I am aiming for is to complete the whole degree in two semesters through some previous foreigncredits I have, ACE credits and TESU credits. It shows that Pell grant covers the 3 following semesters and I also qualify for go-Tesu for this semester(but I don't know exactly how much). I also got two free TECEP exams.TESU recognized 32 of my foreign credits. I would like to know what would be best for me, to get in this semester 12 credits or less than that. I think I can manage the load but just don't know exactly how these awards would be affected by this. I would also like to know if there is any possibility of getting a double degree or major. The following courses were accepted by TESU and recognized as:ECO-1000Basic Economics; 2-Phy-1110, 3-MAT-1999 Special topics in math 4-College Algebra 5-Technical mathematics- 6-MAT-2999 Special topics in math 7-ELT-1030 Intro to Electricity 8-OFC-1999 Special topics Oth Foreign Lng. If there is any thing I am not aware of, please let me know.
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