(05-16-2024, 01:19 PM)jg_nuy Wrote: Just remember that you need a minimum of 10 classes at UMPI and that you need 24 UL elective credits (8 classes) from the BLS. According to the current Wiki plan, you would take all of your core courses at UMPI: https://degreeforum.miraheze.org/wiki/UM...egree_Plan
For some of your upper level at Sophia, you can complete the following at Sophia: Business Law, Business Ethics, Project Management. You could also complete a couple of UL classes on Study dot com (pretty much anything).
Thank you for replying. Completing all my core classes at UMPI sounds like a good plan.
What does UL mean? (I did Google it but still not sure.) Edit: Never mind, upper level, I get it now
Are you saying that out of the 56 electives, 24 have to be UL and 32 can be whatever I want? (On the wiki, it says 38 can be whatever I want, but 24 plus 38 is 62 and I only need 56 electives.)