I have not tried to attack anyone on here personally. I appreciate free speech and although I may disagree, resect everyone's right to free speech and to vote. I as a Marine Corps veteran wish that everyone could realize how many men and women have died so that they can have the right to vote tomorrow. I may have been sarcastic when I said " do I have to give half of my test scores and half of my money" but it was to make a point. Alissa said she is voting for Obama because his tax plan wil benefit her most. His plan, the way he protrays it, would benifit me more also. That doesn't make it right. I do not want other people's hard earned money given to me. I would just like to keep more of my own. When Obama promises tax cuts to the 40 pct of people who do not pay taxes, it is not a tax cut, it is welfare. He said his self he wants to redistribute the wealth and that is not goverments job and that is not what the founding fathers had in mind. Government is so far out of their role and responsibility already. The are there to protect us and provide infrastructure that will allow people to be safe and succed on their own merit. Rosevelt started "the Great Society' (after going on TV to reassure the people during the depression, SARCASIM INTENTED) and even then never imagined a Government as big as we have now. I do not know how anyone can think it is right to tke money from someone that has worked hard for it and give it to someone who has not. That is stealing!
For me personally the Constitution Party best represents me but a vote for them is one less for McCain and that is like one more for Obama. I wish a third party had a shot but currently they do not. The closest would have been Ross Perot had he not backed out and then re entered the race back in 92.
Like I said, I may be sarcastic sometimes but I never mean to attack anyone personally.
For me personally the Constitution Party best represents me but a vote for them is one less for McCain and that is like one more for Obama. I wish a third party had a shot but currently they do not. The closest would have been Ross Perot had he not backed out and then re entered the race back in 92.
Like I said, I may be sarcastic sometimes but I never mean to attack anyone personally.