11-01-2008, 08:47 PM
Sure biden makes gaffs, but let us be honest here, can anyone say that he does not undertsand the issues, not at all. In the last eight years we have tried something that has not produce any lasting effect and not surprising at all. I will not support Palin, because I want someone in office with at least an average understanding of the issue, We already tried Bush and he has destroyed our party. And to go even further, Mccain just in 2000 said the exact same thing about taxing the wealthy. Now if you say that your'e voting for Mccain because of the right to life issue, then that makes sense, but otherwise both candidate are weak and my decision to roll the dice for someone with an higher IQ is based on a number analysis. I gaurantee that he will govern has a centrist.
To be honest I'm conflicted to vote for him, however, Bush and the rest of the Rep. party has does not deserve anything other than a loss for them to realize that we need to go back to true republican ideals. These current crop of Rep should be voted out! I repeat, they are destroying our party and unless they suffer some deafeat now, our party will be forever loss.
To be honest I'm conflicted to vote for him, however, Bush and the rest of the Rep. party has does not deserve anything other than a loss for them to realize that we need to go back to true republican ideals. These current crop of Rep should be voted out! I repeat, they are destroying our party and unless they suffer some deafeat now, our party will be forever loss.