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Multiple Choice or Short PowerPoint / Projects
(04-04-2024, 12:40 PM)ashkir Wrote: Almost every final is an essay. A handful is a powerpoint (not a lot). Expect to write a few paragraphs for each milestone, there's typically 6-8 per class these are ungraded. The finals are usually 5-10 pages for undergrad, and 10-15 pages for upper level undergrad.

For the master's, Graduate level expect closer to 20-25 pages for a final, and 4-10 pages for milestones.

(04-04-2024, 12:08 PM)learningthehardway Wrote:
(04-04-2024, 10:43 AM)ss20ts Wrote: The are no exams at UMPI now. Many courses have some ungraded quizzes. You'll be writing a lot. Every course has short answer essay Milestones which are ungraded and then the written Final Assessment which is either a paper, project, or PowerPoint or a combination of these things.

I'm even okay with power points and projects lol. Hate writing lol

Don't worry about the writing part of their classes. Their rubrics are very clear with what the professor wants. There's often very detailed breakdowns. Sometimes you can just type a few sentences about each point they make on the final assignment, and boom, you're already at the word count they want Smile.

I've found them to not be super strict about proper grammar, proper paragraph sentencing (like how english professors want topic, point one, point two, etc in a paragraph in a certain order). Most professors are pretty good with you getting to the point and moving on.
Thanks because English 121, my goodness. I gotta revisit. It's nothing lik Eng 101 but I took that 20+ years ago soooo lol. Hate writing. Unless writing music, love that lol.
Pierpont Community and Technical College - BOG A.A.S. Spring 2022 
University of Maine at Presque Isle - BLS with a Concentration in Management (In Progress)
Course Breakdown: Local Technical College: 21 Credits, Sophia Learning: 73 In Progress, UMPI: In Progress
I want to say thank you to EVERYONE for their assistance. You all are awesome!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Multiple Choice or Short PowerPoint / Projects - by learningthehardway - 04-04-2024, 12:56 PM

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