(03-12-2024, 10:34 AM)bjcheung77 Wrote: One more thing, you may want to review the WIKI for Finnish institutions here to see if you can get the Metropolia BSIT for an affordable price point (or a similar degree) that can be evaluated as equal to RA 4 years, for entry into the GT program, without having to go the TESU BACS route. You need a similar degree, it doesn't have to be a BACS or BSCS to be precise: https://degreeforum.miraheze.org/wiki/Fi...iversities
Oh wow, I will definitely look into that. Thank you for pointing this out! It's a little bit concerning though that the only evaluation agency willing to evaluate finnish credit seems to be ACEI, I remeber GaTech partners with spantran. I really have no clue how to figure out whether GaTech will deem the BSIT on top of my existing degree to count as equivalent to a 4-year US degree.