02-02-2024, 05:29 PM
(02-01-2024, 10:34 PM)Marlin9276 Wrote: Hi,
Apologies if this is a redundant question but I'm a bit confused on how adding another class works.
What I do know about it is that you can only have two active classes at a time. But I am able to request a third class after I've submitted a final (I know I can request a fourth if I finish both classes early). So say I finish a class in two weeks, and then I request a third class; for that third class, I have to complete it before the 8 weeks of the term is done, right? So in my example if I have the third class added after the second week of the term, I would only have 6 weeks to finish that third class or else it'll be counted as an F since I didn't finish it within the term.
I appreciate all the help.
Yes, all courses must be completed by the last day of classes. It doesn't matter when you add the course. Any unfinished courses will receive an F.