11-09-2023, 02:17 PM
(11-08-2023, 04:13 PM)Tyler_ Wrote: I've asked clarifications about the materials/video lectures but they have been ambiguous, they just said: "It depends" without specifying.
So reading what's your experience so far, it will be for the most part text based (which is not ideal for me given my learning style) and basically kind of self-taught searching for videos on YouTube (which can also happens in traditional uni.. but I was hoping for some more "guidance").
Overall, it seems a pretty good way to get a degree almost for free (if you live in EU), but if you graduate without a GPA, I don't know how much useful and recognised this would be when it comes to apply for jobs or intern position (especially if you don't have any previous working experience in IT, which is my case).
IMHO everything you need to pass the courses shall be included in their materials.
However, if you study to become professional in certain fields (ie. not just to pass and get the diploma), not so sure, that likely depends (whether you will have to supplement with self-taught time).
Programming part is mostly based on Freecodecamp.
IT part might be more rigorous, thats just a guess though I didnt see those courses yet as they are not on Moodle.
In Europe, where I live, nobody would care about GPA for jobs. Not sure about entries to more competitive master studies. However, if I ever complete the degree, so far I plan to continue in Finland for masters too, it should be no problem then. Or the GTECH online CS masters degree from what I feel shall be no problem either.