08-25-2023, 04:07 AM
(08-24-2023, 04:45 PM)Kab Wrote: So I keep searching and I found this document that you can find here:
Is from UCAM.
It explains how work the "titulos propios". I think is important to read it in Spanish because in the translation it will use the same words that in spanish in some points. Basically they say that the oficial degrees are Grado, master oficial and Doctorado, in spanish and later they pass to the titulos propios and stablish the Master en formacion permanente, doctorate (which means nothing in spanish as far as I know, but I went to https://dle.rae.es/ and wrote doctorate and give that exist not and jumps to the word doctorar) and also bachelor as study which is another english word and the spanish dictionary comes with the result "La palabra bachelor no está en el Diccionario.".
When you write in English is obvious that doctorate has meaning.
In the title III they say is based in Real Decreto 822/2021.
the full text is here "Conforme a lo establecido en el Real Decreto 822/2021, de 28 de septiembre, por el que se establece la organización de las enseñanzas universitarias y del procedimiento de aseguramiento de su calidad, los órganos de gobierno de las universidades deberán aprobar anualmente la programación y oferta de estudios propios, sin que se induzca a confusión en cuanto al nivel y carácter no oficial de estos títulos."
Google translation:
"In accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 822/2021, of September 28, which establishes the organization of university education and the quality assurance procedure, the governing bodies of the universities must annually approve the programming and offer of own studies, without leading to confusion as to the level and unofficial nature of these titles."
The part I find most interesting is this: "without leading to confusion as to the level and unofficial nature of these titles." in conjunction with you asseveration that the text they send you say this: "While both a PhD and a doctorate are doctoral-level degrees" + "They are both highly respected and recognized as top-level degrees in their respective fields, and both confer the title of “Doctor” upon completion."
They are saying that both confer the exact same title...or I understand it wrong? This affirmation I find the most interesting. Because their own document regulating the study does not say that their "doctorate" (which means nothing in Spanish as far as I know) give you the rights to bear the name doctor.
Furthermore in the admission criteria of this doctorate, in art. 9.2 "requisitos de acceso" or access requirements part3 says "Excepcionalmente, el Director del curso podrá establecer la admisión de profesionales con conocimientos reconocidos en la especialidad de que se trate el curso, y que cuenten con al menos cinco años de reconocida experiencia profesional en función de los objetivos y finalidad del Máster."
I remark "y que cuenten con al menos cinco años de reconocida experiencia profesional en función de los objetivos y finalidad del Máster" where appear to say the entrance to a master... maybe a typo? maybe not? I do not know but seems odd to me for a third level study to call it master.
So at this point I think I cannot help you more. I did what I could in face of your petition of info (I understand help) and with my limited knowledge of language is what I could understand. I hope it helps.
Wow. Thank you so much for doing the research for me.
I even look at other provider who provide this DBA degree. I download their brochure and have a look. https://athenawebsiteprod.uniathena.com/...ochure.pdf
Here is the quote from the brochure at page 15:
Practice-based Thesis
This is the capstone module of the DBA in which you plan and implement your own extended research project which you then write up as a 40,000-50,000 word thesis which you are then called upon to ‘defend’ during an oral examination. This is where you demonstrate your own deep expertise in a specic area of applied business and management, earn your doctoral
title, and quite possibly make a signicant dierence to your own organisation! Although this is an individual project, you
will be fully supported by a qualied and experienced academic supervisor.
Which says basally mean once I finish their so call "Thesis" and pass then I will earn the doctor title.
Then on their website https://uniathena.com/courses/doctorate-...nistration
"The Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) is a blended part-time professional doctoral degree of international scope and reputation, designed to enhance executive and professional practice through the application of sound theory and rigorous research into real and complex issues in business and management. It enhances the capability of the learners to develop their knowledge and understanding of business and apply that in practice. The DBA is a university private degree-Titulo propio"
"The DBA is an executive-level program designed for working professionals possessing extensive managerial experience as well as a master’s degree, who are looking to advance further in their career. DBA has both rigor and relevance as it contributes to theory, practice and research in business and management. The DBA program is a full-fledged Doctoral degree, but unlike the Ph.D., it is geared towards honing capabilities in the professional sphere. PhD programs are usually meant for those interested in pursuing research based careers in academia."
Combine everything their website and brochure, they either trying to mislead or confirm that this DBA are in fact a doctorate degree and once finish the degree, you can call yourself a doctor.
Now I'm still waiting for UCAM to reply me another email.