05-05-2023, 12:02 PM
(05-05-2023, 11:15 AM)rachel83az Wrote: Just FYI, most Comp Sci courses aren't that rigorous when compared to what you'll actually need on the job. Whether you continue with CC classes or you do go with SDC for at least some of them, I strongly recommend utilizing OSSU for your learning. https://github.com/ossu/computer-science These are some of the most rigorous (yet freely available) courses out there. They'll almost certainly rival anything you could take in an average comp sci program.
Fair point. I'm not 100% sure what direction I'll take the courses now - my leaning at this time is to scale back the local CC Java courses since I was planning on taking them mostly for employability reasons, get Java credits via Sophia or SDC, and learn Java more through self-study and personal projects, but also that I should still keep enough CC courses to cover grad-school-required areas and keep the in-person research route open. Who knows how I'll feel after a couple more hours though.
Thank you for showing me OSS U - what a resource!