09-09-2008, 06:48 AM
originalbigjim Wrote:On a side note I am actually trying to put together a program at the local high school for kids to take cleps in lue of the class final exams. So far I have had less than the minimal support required to get the program off the ground, but there is stigma associated with my idea to the kids and i think the teachers are a little threatened but the idea of all of their 18 years being as qualified to teach as them.
A friend of mine tried to bring this into a Charter school and it flopped. My HS Math-teacher-husband initiated the idea for his AP Stats Class to the dept head ... flop. However, I have been approached by two separate homeschool groups asking to PAY me to lead the study groups for them that I have coordinated for my 2 clepping kids and their homeschool friends. If you can knock on that door, it might actually open.
Cheri ~ Homeschooling to College facilitator