03-01-2023, 06:19 AM
I commented that the master's program is not university-backed. After checking the webpage again, I found that there was no mention of any university backing. If your master's degrees have a triple backing of the three universities mentioned, they should add it to the webpage. This information could potentially change my opinion.
There is a section on the webpage called "cursos y masteres." Within this section, there is an option to view only courses certified by the University "Nebrija," which appears as "Titulaciones certificadas por la Universidad Nebrija." Clicking on this option reveals 13 courses, most of which are 4 or 2 credits, all of which are ECTS credits. As far as I know, 2 or 1 ECTS credits in the US are equivalent to 2 or 1 credits, respectively.
I do not doubt any of the institutions mentioned as accrediting agencies on the webpage. However, none of them is the Ministry of Education, and the master's programs do not appear on the "Registro de Universidades, Centros y Títulos (RUCT)." This is what I meant by "non-accredited." At least, I could not find them. Please accept my apologies if they have the authority to grant "oficial" or "universitario" master's degrees, I missed it.
When I calculated the duration of a master's degree in Spain, I made an assumption of 60 ECTS at 25 hours per credit. 25*60=1500. I know that half of 1500 is 750. I simply assumed that 600 represented half a year of study. Perhaps I calculated this incorrectly. Please accept my apologies if I made an error in my calculations. Here seems to seem that a ECTS is 25 hours https://www.educacionyfp.gob.es/italia/d...pa-ol2.pdf
There is a section on the webpage called "cursos y masteres." Within this section, there is an option to view only courses certified by the University "Nebrija," which appears as "Titulaciones certificadas por la Universidad Nebrija." Clicking on this option reveals 13 courses, most of which are 4 or 2 credits, all of which are ECTS credits. As far as I know, 2 or 1 ECTS credits in the US are equivalent to 2 or 1 credits, respectively.
I do not doubt any of the institutions mentioned as accrediting agencies on the webpage. However, none of them is the Ministry of Education, and the master's programs do not appear on the "Registro de Universidades, Centros y Títulos (RUCT)." This is what I meant by "non-accredited." At least, I could not find them. Please accept my apologies if they have the authority to grant "oficial" or "universitario" master's degrees, I missed it.
When I calculated the duration of a master's degree in Spain, I made an assumption of 60 ECTS at 25 hours per credit. 25*60=1500. I know that half of 1500 is 750. I simply assumed that 600 represented half a year of study. Perhaps I calculated this incorrectly. Please accept my apologies if I made an error in my calculations. Here seems to seem that a ECTS is 25 hours https://www.educacionyfp.gob.es/italia/d...pa-ol2.pdf