10-29-2022, 02:40 PM
(10-28-2022, 03:49 AM)Personherebb9 Wrote: As a South African, I felt like it is my moral obligation to inform everyone on this Forum of how cheap South African postgrad qualifications are.Other than unisa, what other
Here's a few pros of doing your postgrad degree through a South African University.
1) According to South African policy in regards to Higher Education, the minimum period of study towards a masters is 1 year, with a recommendation of 2 years (PhD minimum: 2 years, recommended: 4 years). Meaning you are able to complete your entire masters, start to finish, in one year, compared to two years for a standard masters in the US (PhD 2 years.).
2) COST: Just to give you an idea the TOTAL COST to finish an ENTIRE (may vary depending on the years you take to complete) PhD at UNISA (University of South Africa) is R27 250 P/A or equivalent to $1504,94. And no I did not mistype that. Masters are also very cheap compared to American standards. (The average cost of a PhD in the USA is between $28 000 and $55 000 P/A) https://www.idp.com/middleeast/study-in-...university.
3) South African public universities are the foreign equivalent to RA universities in America. (Any UNI recognized by CHE).
Here's a list of Universities I would recommend (from knowing the reputation of the Universities.)
1a) UCT: Here are some rankings: (1st in Africa); (THE: 160th world ranking); (QS: 237th world ranking); (US news & world reports: 109th world ranking);(Center for World University Rankings: 270th world ranking); (ShanghaiRanking's; 201-300 world ranking)
1b)UCT is widely regarded (at least in Africa) to be the "Harvard" of the Southern Hemisphere. UCT has a p/a cost of R23 370 or the equivalent to $1290,66 for a PhD, just to put finances into perspective.
1c) UCT, however does not offer online degrees (only short courses). For that cost though, I would consider doing a year abroad to study so cheaply at a Top international school.
1d) Link- https://uct.ac.za/
2) Stellenbosch University (Similar rankings to UCT, known for also having the world's best choir)- No online programs
3) University of Witwatersrand (WITS)- No online programs
4) UNISA, Public University that does offer Online Degrees as mentioned before. (UNISA also follows a system for Recognition of Prior Learning).
Feel free to ask me any questions.
South Africa institutions offer online education to non-south Africans?