08-23-2008, 09:27 PM
You might try this video program from Annenberg, Discovering Psychology. It breaks down Intro-Psych into 26 video programs which are free to watch on-demand. All you have to do is register, which is also free. Units 3 and 4 are about the brain. Sometimes seeing things demonstrated makes a hard concept easier.
Master of Management, Cambridge College, 2011. 4.00 GPA.
BS in Business Administration, Charter Oak State College, 2009. 75 semester credits earned by exam, 45 in the classroom. 3.91 GPA.
AS in General Studies, City University of Seattle, 1999. 50 quarter hours earned by exam, 40 in the classroom. 3.95 GPA.
BS in Business Administration, Charter Oak State College, 2009. 75 semester credits earned by exam, 45 in the classroom. 3.91 GPA.
AS in General Studies, City University of Seattle, 1999. 50 quarter hours earned by exam, 40 in the classroom. 3.95 GPA.