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Book recommend for U.S history I
Saturn Wrote:thank you very much,I'll check it out.
By the way,I guess most of you guys have learned something about U.S history already,right?

Generally, I learned most of this for the first time. I wouldn't count watching documentaries or high school history as having any kind of background. Before my exam, I couldn't have told you the years of major events for example. (I couldn't have told you much about major events either!)

I used the same REA book- and it is all most people need. I have a silly 6th grade US History workbook book for one of my children that is the most awesome book ever. It is one of those workbooks you can buy at discount stores like Walmart in the "school" isle where they sell flash cards and such. They are about $10 and include a year's worth of lessons. I'm sure you have seen these. Mine is called American History I think. There are several things I either didn't learn- or didn't remember (I don't even know which in some cases) and so the very simple time lines, pictures, maps, list of the presidents, important parts of the constitution-amendments, etc. and "general" story of explanation was excellent for me when it came to keeping track of what was going on overall. I'm not good at memorizing data, I am more of a "big picture" person. What can I say- whatever works.

Seriously, the REA book for US History 1 was perfect, and I got hooked on the REA books after that test. Use wikipedia to look up subjects in more depth, and maybe a 6th grade history book if you want a little more Big Grin

Messages In This Thread
Book recommend for U.S history I - by Saturn - 08-22-2008, 02:26 PM
Book recommend for U.S history I - by Kiwi Lover - 08-22-2008, 02:33 PM
Book recommend for U.S history I - by Saturn - 08-22-2008, 03:06 PM
Book recommend for U.S history I - by cookderosa - 08-22-2008, 11:19 PM
Book recommend for U.S history I - by Saturn - 08-23-2008, 05:10 AM
Book recommend for U.S history I - by cookderosa - 08-23-2008, 09:41 AM

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