07-05-2022, 10:59 PM
(07-05-2022, 01:43 PM)bjcheung77 Wrote:Naija Wrote:Hello. Is anybody able to find any competency based Health masters degrees related to general health (like MPH), exercise, nutrition, the human body, etc.? The only health degrees I’ve been seeing are leadership and healthcare related. If no one can find a degree like this, could you help me find the absolute fastest options? Getting my MBA with WGU and wanted one more degree, thanks!
Welcome to the board, I agree with the others, there really is no point in creating multiple threads. Have you looked at anything and have in mind a particular program? Have you researched a few programs already? What/where was your undergrad? Do you have the pre-requisites? It's best to provide us more details as the info provided is somewhat "all over the place", it's harder for us to determine possible providers. Have you checked the wiki for CBE programs?
I would check for Masters options on the CBE WIKI: https://degreeforum.miraheze.org/wiki/Co...d_Programs
Provide the details within the addendum (last post of this Template): https://www.degreeforum.net/mybb/Thread-...Area-works
Lol somehow it glitched, Idk how my question posted twice. Thanks everybody for your help though!