(06-07-2022, 06:35 AM)Vle045 Wrote: Well, this led me down a path of Google searching their “accreditation” and I found two different universities that have the same Faculty names but different pictures. Wow. I knew there were fake universities, but I guess I didn’t realize how many.
I wonder how many other universities employ this same staff.
None. These people are more likely models - not professors. And these may be stock photos. They're blameless - probably they showed up for a gig, at some time in the past - maybe in London, maybe elsewhere - and their pic has since been used. These are made-up names. Alternatively, they could be pictures just right-clicked from the internet by these thieves. Possibly from a company roster, or even a legit University. I've found a lot of their Internet blurbs have been lifted from well-known legit universities - so why not a few pictures to go with? Either scenario is equally possible. These fraudsters have also been known to post pictures of buildings from known Universities and claim them as their own.
How many "Universities" are involved? At least 300 fake schools. And the same firm has established a bunch of fake accreditation agencies. We're talking Axact here - the unstoppable Pakistani fraud ring. Unstoppable because the Government and Courts of Pakistan are unwilling to stop them. The "take" is estimated at $2 million a month for fake degrees. They have recently changed the corporate name from Axact to I-forget-what, but are still run out of the same buildings in Karachi and Islamabad.
BJCheung77 mentioned a lady who lost $2,000 +. Some others have not been so lucky. There was a court case a long time ago, involving a loss of over $250,000 by one individual. Some years ago, an American law firm sued, on behalf of a client who had been bilked by Axact, with a "Belford University" degree. They obtained a judgment for around $20 million but it was impossible to effect any recovery.
Pure-D Evil!