04-25-2022, 09:04 AM
It's a reasonable question and it can be answered in several different ways. One way is to simply state, as vle045 has done, that it's an accredited school and perhaps you need not know anything further. If more info is desired you can look at rankings. I'm not certain they mean much but perhaps it's safe to say that a school ranked in the Top 10 is likely to be better in some ways tha a school ranked at #1,000 (although this would be a good spot to drop into that "big fish in a small pond..." discussion). We see that one ranking service has it at #622. https://edurank.org/uni/golden-gate-univ.../rankings/ It would be difficult for me to say that there's a significant difference between a school ranked at 622 and a school ranked at 500, or even 400. GGU is a small school with less than 300 undergad students. It's one of those schools that has more grad students than undergrad. They have a bunch of grad degrees on offer, mostly in the world of business. They have a law school as well. I've never known anyone to attend GGU but based on what I know I'd say it's a perfectly good school and you're likely to find their degrees useful in the marketplace. I know that they offer a bunck of their programs online although I didn't check to see which ones, specifically. It's not hard to imagine. It's also not hard to imagine that you could find a school that cheaper, if that's what you're looking for. My overall guess is that, as a school, it's firmly embedded in the middle third of US universities. It's unlikely to turn anyone's head, either way but if for some reason a person was committed to this school, it's unlikely that they'll have any real problems with their degree