(01-31-2022, 05:39 AM)FrHaseKopf Wrote: But what is "complexity Sciences"? I tried to figure out, and their admission requirement also does not specify a "major/field", just master degree in any subject?
From what they research, it seems to be more in economics, management, etc?
Regarding requirements, yes, it seems like they don´t worry much about specific requirements, one of their graduates was an economist with a MBA, and other was a Bach. in Education with a concentration in Physical Education (not sure if you call it "physical", it´s the sport´s teacher) with a Master in Psychology.
The teacher´s PhD thesis was: "Complex Networks Analysis in Team Sports Performance: Multilevel Hypernetworks Approach to Soccer Matches", the economist´s PhD thesis was: "Interbank Networks and the Benefits of Using
Multilayer Structures".
The journal article based on the teacher´s dissertation was called:
"What’s next in Complex Networks? Capturing the concept of attacking play in invasive team sports.", from the abstract:
"In this article, we propose a novel approach to team sports performance centered on sport concepts, namely that of an attacking play. Network theory and tools including temporal and bipartite or multilayered networks were used to capture this concept. We put forward eight questions directly related to team performance to discuss how common pitfalls in the use of network tools for capturing sports concepts can be avoided. Some answers are advanced in an attempt to be more precise in the description of team dynamics and to uncover other metrics directly applied to sport concepts, such as the structure and dynamics of attacking plays".