12-28-2021, 12:21 PM
(12-20-2021, 05:19 PM)jch Wrote: Clackamas is offering LIB-101 Intro to library research for free again in the Winter term, which begins in January. There are still seats available in a few of the sections. I'm in the one that starts in mid-January.
I also registered for WR-128 Intro to APA Style/Documentation. I want to get more comfortable with APA formatting in advance of my capstones and master's courses. This course is just $19 at Clackamas, but I was required to pay the $30.00 per semester student service fee, which brought my total to $49. Still not bad for an RA credit that I want. This course requires prior completion of English composition, but academic advising waived that prerequisite when I explained that I'm a visiting student and already satisfied that on my attached TESU transcript. There are five slots left in that course.
If you're a visiting student, do you still have to send transcripts and such when applying ? The website is glitching for me today.