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Ridiculously Easy Associates Degree - Purdue University Global
(11-06-2021, 05:17 PM)dfrecore Wrote: Changing degree requirements is not playing games - they are continuously updating degrees at all schools.

But it always makes sense to apply and send in credits once you've made a decision, because it can easily change. So locking in your catalog as quickly as possible is a MUST.  Then, once you get all of your credits onto your eval, you should be good to go.

Yes, I understand changes are made in schools, and accreditors can change requirements, but students pay a steep cost when rules are changed.

When I say "steep" cost, I mean is these rule changes, while they may seem innocent enough, end up costing students 100's hour's worth of work.

If you live in a country where you make $1 or less an hour, or a kid living in your mom's basement, maybe time means nothing to you.  But in the real world, time is worth thousands of dollars.

That's why I believe college is mostly a game and a little about actual education.  It's a game to get your education in the least amount of time, paying the least amount of money.  Colleges love to put in rock blocks to extend your time in college and make you spend more money by constantly adding additional requirements.

There is no set of standards and no set grace period.  One day the rule is to drive on the right side of the road and the next day these people can say now we all have to drive backward on the left side of the road  Big Grin
Degrees: BA Computer Science, BS Business Administration with a concentration in CIS, AS Natural Science & Math, TESU. 4.0 GPA 2022.
Course Experience:  CLEP, Instantcert,,,,,,, and TEL Learning.
Certifications: W3Schools PHP, Google IT Support, Google Digital Marketing, Google Project Management

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RE: Ridiculously Easy Associates Degree - Purdue University Global - by LevelUP - 11-06-2021, 10:28 PM

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