10-01-2021, 05:23 PM
Perhaps it's a bit of a provocative opinion, but I would say that there are many ways to achieve minimal standards but there are fewer ways to achieve the highest standards. I don't think there's anything wrong with meeting minimal standards. That's an entry level job and then people will move forward in their careers as they are able (or perhaps, as they are allowed). Generally, in the healthcare field your degree source is less important than your license to practice. But if you want to work at Mass General Hospital it's going to be a lot easier if you went to Harvard Medical School. In the field of law, you might have a JD from an Ivy League school but if you can't pass the bar then your degree is worth far less. So this idea of provider agnosticism (did you invent that term?) has some merit and it seems clear that it's a trend that's going to continue.