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BSBA TESC Roadmap, Advice appreciated
Your welcome JDRolls...that's what we're all here for, to help each other. I can't begin to tell you how much I am indebted to this site and everyone on it. My debt is huge!!!hilarious I try to help when I can.

As far as your US History II CLEP goes--it will not duplicate credit for US History I, so you are good to go. You will receive credit for both exams. They have two different course descriptions/numbers. The ones you need to worry about duplicating would be exams that have the same course descriptions/numbers, i.e, Psychology 101 at a local community college and the Introductory Psychology CLEP exam.

Yes you can take the Social Sciences & History CLEP exam and that is a 6 credit exam. I took this as my very first CLEP and scored a 60. It has a different course description/number and also will not duplicate the 2 US History exams. If you take this exam after the US History II exam then the 6 credits will either apply towards your GenEd electives or your Free Electives categories.

As I stated before, if you want to save some money and need some Free Elective credits, look into FEMA. They offer courses for free in their Emergency Management Program and TESC will apply these courses to your Free Electives category. FYI---They (TESC) will accept up to 25 FEMA credits for transfer. They are mostly one credit courses each, with some courses that offer 2 credits each. Here is the website if you want to check it out:

Emergency Management Institute - FEMA Independent Study Program

Let me know before you start these courses so I can tell you which ones to do for credit. Some courses TESC won't give you credit for. I can give you a list of up to 25 of the courses that I took that TESC granted me credit for.

Let me know if you need any further information. I'll be glad to assist you in any way I can.

Peace be unto you.

From a loyal degree seeker,

Thomas Edison State University (TESU)
Enrolled in BA in Liberal Studies - 105/120 Completed

Associate in Science, Excelsior College

Messages In This Thread
BSBA TESC Roadmap, Advice appreciated - by mlwilliamsiv - 07-07-2008, 07:33 AM
BSBA TESC Roadmap, Advice appreciated - by wallst - 07-24-2008, 12:56 PM
BSBA TESC Roadmap, Advice appreciated - by wallst - 07-24-2008, 03:31 PM
BSBA TESC Roadmap, Advice appreciated - by wallst - 07-25-2008, 02:18 PM

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