(03-22-2021, 04:05 AM)ashkir Wrote: I finished BUS 244 Management Information System.
It was so cringeworthy bad. the professor's a nice dude and all. BUt oh my god. Whomever wrote this for Brandman, Strut, or UMPI does not understand Information Technology at all. It's so horribly outdated and it's bad. By far the worst class ever. I got an 88% on the exam. but I'm contesting the wrong answers, because over half the questions were like 2 or 3 answers were actually technically correct...
I work in Information Systems for a living.....
I have this and BUS 353 Legal and Ethical Issues in Business on my class list currently. I started with this and quickly moved to start ethics instead which was easier to move through.
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(03-17-2021, 09:10 AM)crotique Wrote: Taking COM 210 (Oral Communications) and BUS 200 (Fundamentals of Technology).
I feel a bit lost. The platform is easy to adapt to, but I am still trying to figure out how to present WIP for evaluation for the final. Someone stated to submit it early on so you can easily move forward on your final paper/project or whatnot. The 11-page requirements intimidate me.
The good news is they gave my TESU SOS 110 as credit for their ENG 121. On Monday when reading the syllabus, I contacted my advisor and told her about this class. I was asked to submit their syllabus, final project instructions, and instructor feedback. I submitted all of that as well as my final and they accepted it. I am very pleased.
Did you hear back on how to turn in a draft before your final?
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