03-08-2021, 07:40 PM
(03-07-2021, 08:49 PM)dfrecore Wrote: If you really want to do a lab science outside of UMPI, Study.com has Bio w/lab, the lab is virtual and $40. So you'd pay the $199 for 2 courses (of which Bio w/lab would be one), and then $40. They also have Spanish I & II there, it might be less worth than SL, but I'm not sure.
Other inexpensive options for science labs: TEL has 3 of them, Bio, Chem & Physical Science. It looks like you have to take a science with lab, they might not allow Sophia Biology and then TEL Bio Lab, not entirely sure. I don't think these are fast courses though. If you wanted to take a science w/lab, it would be $267. I'm not sure it would be worth doing.
Thanks for the additional info. I truly thought I was done with science classes when I completed the biology after having the environmental science also. Oh, well. For now I'm just going to keep knocking out what I can with Sophia. I still have quite a ways to go, and we have been so busy at work for the past year that it is hard to find much time right now to do anything.
West Virginia University at Parkersburg, Associate of Applied Science, Board of Governors program
Traditional College Credits (RA):
18 Credits
ALEKS & CSM Learn:
12 Credits
15 Credits
38 Credits
Total from All Sources:
83 Credits
Traditional College Credits (RA):
18 Credits
ALEKS & CSM Learn:
12 Credits
15 Credits
38 Credits
Total from All Sources:
83 Credits