11-07-2020, 12:52 PM
(11-07-2020, 11:39 AM)dfrecore Wrote:(11-07-2020, 06:11 AM)rachel83az Wrote: Let's say that you send them all in immediately, seemingly simultaneously. GED and SDC arrive first so TESU evaluates them. That's one.
DSST is delayed and arrives the next week. That's two.
CLEP arrives last, just after the DSST evaluation is completed. That's three and is not evaluated.
Since IELTS is a prerequisite to entrance, I'm not sure that it counts as an actual evaluation, per se, but the others definitely do. Per comments in another thread, you can apparently ask them to postpone evaluation until all of your transcripts are in. However, I would also be prepared for them to evaluate them as the transcripts roll in because TESU doesn't seem to have great inter-org communication - especially at this time.
Minor caveat: if you apply and send in your transcripts, they normally hold them for a certain amount of time and wait to to the eval until they have everything you listed on your application. So let's say there's a 10-day waiting period (which there seems to be currently) for your eval. You list GED, Study.com, DSST & CLEP as transcripts that are coming, and make arrangements to send them all. They will not do your first eval until they get all 4, even if it takes more than 10 days to receive everything.
NOW, it's not 100% - and I would make arrangements for CLEP & DSST before you even apply at TESU, since they take the longest (although I don't know about GED). But, if you give it at least a week after requesting those (maybe 2 weeks), then your application should be processed before your transcripts arrive, but before your 10-day "eval window" closes.
interesting. I was in that "it's not 100%" category.
applied tesu in March of this year. Listed community college are coming... and it was more like rachel's explanation. The ACE got there first. that was eval one. CLEP arrived the next day (ugh) and that was eval 2. Nothing was held or waiting until the community college transcript got there. Had to do the enroll in tecep strategy to get that next eval. It all worked out. But, I wish they had held onto stuff to do first one. Makes me wonder what secret little tip I didn't know.
TESU: BALS June 2021 (comm college, clep, sdc sophia coopersmith, SOS110, and capstone)