Hi! I am located in Arkansas and currently work as a paraprofessional in a school district. I want to teach in Elementary. Currently, I am open to getting my Bachelors degree in whatever I can quickly (it doesn't have to be elementary education or early childhood development) and then going into an Alternative Pathway to Licensure (like ArPep). I prefer Open book, open note courses like Sophia for obvious reasons (non proctored, work at your own pace) but I am flexible. Math/Science are not my strong suits.
Your Location: Arkansas, United States
Your Age: 32
What kind of degree do you want?: Bachelor's
Current Regional Accredited Credits: Unsure
Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits: Sophia Credits
FOSM 1110 Nutrition CR 3.000
FREL 1999 Art History I CR 3.000
FREL 1999 Environmental Science CR 3.000
FREL 1999 Human Biology CR 3.000
FREL 1999 Introduction to Ethics CR 3.000
FREL 1999 Lifespan Development CR 3.000
FREL 1999 Precalculus CR 3.000
MTH 1210 Introduction to Statistics CR 3.000
MTH 1212 College Algebra CR 3.000
Any certifications or military experience?: No Military Experience. Children's House Montessori Teacher Certification (3-6 Years Old) MACTE Accredited.
refer less than $20K
Commitments: Will commit as much as I can; I work full time in public school system and am a spouse and parent
Dedicated time to study: 3 hours per day
Timeline: 12-18 months, preferably less
Tuition assistance/reimbursement: Possibly a grant.
Here are my Community College Courses Passed.
COM 2200 Intro to Human Communications B 3.000
ENGL 1104 Written English I C 3.000
PSYG 1101 Introduction to Psychology A 3.000
SPN 1101 Elementary Spanish I B 3.000
ENGL 1108 Written English II A 3.000
FREL 1999 Music A 3.000
FREL 1999 Human Growth & Development B 3.000
FREL 1999 Personal & Community Health B 3.000
FREL 1999 World Civilization II B 3.000
BUSN 1100 Keyboarding A 3.000
FREL 1999 Intro to Philosophy A 3.000
FREL 1999 World Literature I A 3.000
FREL 1999 Abnormal Psychology B 3.000
I really excel around child development and loved that for my 2 year Montessori certification program. I love being with children and learning about them. I have leaned into WGU for the competency-based program but am not sure about it.
Your Location: Arkansas, United States
Your Age: 32
What kind of degree do you want?: Bachelor's
Current Regional Accredited Credits: Unsure
Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits: Sophia Credits
FOSM 1110 Nutrition CR 3.000
FREL 1999 Art History I CR 3.000
FREL 1999 Environmental Science CR 3.000
FREL 1999 Human Biology CR 3.000
FREL 1999 Introduction to Ethics CR 3.000
FREL 1999 Lifespan Development CR 3.000
FREL 1999 Precalculus CR 3.000
MTH 1210 Introduction to Statistics CR 3.000
MTH 1212 College Algebra CR 3.000
Any certifications or military experience?: No Military Experience. Children's House Montessori Teacher Certification (3-6 Years Old) MACTE Accredited.

Commitments: Will commit as much as I can; I work full time in public school system and am a spouse and parent
Dedicated time to study: 3 hours per day
Timeline: 12-18 months, preferably less
Tuition assistance/reimbursement: Possibly a grant.
Here are my Community College Courses Passed.
COM 2200 Intro to Human Communications B 3.000
ENGL 1104 Written English I C 3.000
PSYG 1101 Introduction to Psychology A 3.000
SPN 1101 Elementary Spanish I B 3.000
ENGL 1108 Written English II A 3.000
FREL 1999 Music A 3.000
FREL 1999 Human Growth & Development B 3.000
FREL 1999 Personal & Community Health B 3.000
FREL 1999 World Civilization II B 3.000
BUSN 1100 Keyboarding A 3.000
FREL 1999 Intro to Philosophy A 3.000
FREL 1999 World Literature I A 3.000
FREL 1999 Abnormal Psychology B 3.000
I really excel around child development and loved that for my 2 year Montessori certification program. I love being with children and learning about them. I have leaned into WGU for the competency-based program but am not sure about it.